john kumiski outdoor communications
Indian River Sunrise
Sunrise, Indian River Lagoon, Jensen Beach, FL
Dee Dee's Bass
DeeDee's Bass, Stick Marsh, Florida
Red salmon clog an Alaska stream
Ricky's drum
Ricky's black drum. Banana River Lagoon, Florida.
large spotted seatrout, Mosquito Lagoon, Florida.
American crocodiles, Everglades National Park.
blacktip sharks
Feeding blacktip sharks, near Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Christian's king
King salmon, Goodnews River, Alaska.
happy Alex
Alex with big redfish, Banana River Lagoon, Florida.
Any time can be nap time!
Any time can be nap time. Goodnews River, Alaska.
Honeycreeper male, Bahia Solano, Colombia.
One afternoon on the Goodnews River
One afternoon on the Goodness River.
Seatrout double
Seatrout double, Banana River Lagoon, Florida.
Water lily flower bud, Kezar Lake, Maine.
Badlands sunset
Sunset, Badlands National Park, South Dakota.
Canyon shower
Canyon shower, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.
Alex with tripletail, off Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Willie caught a log
Willie caught a log, Goodnews River, Alaska.
Eastern pondhawk male, Florida.
calving glacier
Alaska's LeConte Glacier, calving.
Austin's red
Austin's redfish, Mosquito Lagoon, Florida.
dusk, nehalem beach
Dusk, Nehalem Beach, Oregon.
dusk paddle,Indian River Lagoon
Dusk paddle, Indian River Lagoon, Florida.
bear standing
Alaska brown bear, Goodnews River.
extreme kayaking
Extreme kayaking, Nantahala River, North Carolina.
Fleabane (Erigeron), Florida.
flycaster, clinch river
Flycaster, Clinch River, Tennessee.
Bighorn sheep ram, Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada.
on a freight run
On a freight run, Goodnews River, Alaska.
missoula sunset
Sunset, Missoula, Montana.
Rainbow trout, Goodnews River, Alaska.
Rolling tarpon, Florida Keys.
alligator, up close
Alligator up close, Florida.
icy paddle
Icy paddle, LeConte Fiord, Alaska.
goodnews sunrise
Sunrise from Goodnews River Lodge, Alaska.
Bison, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota.
moon over zion
Moon over Zion National Park, Utah.
Sea lion male, Sumner Strait, Alaska.
on lookout mountain
South Fork of the Goodnews River, Alaska.
Seastar in tide pool, Olympic National Park, Washington.
Roseate spoonbills, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.
myers creek beach at sunset
Myers Creek Beach, Oregon.
palm leaf
Cabbage palm leaf, Florida.
redwood burl
Redwood burl, California.
Largemouth bass, Florida.
on tsuktulig
On Tsuktulik, near the Goodnews River, Alaska.
rainbow trout
Rainbow trout, Goodnews River, Alaska.
pacific pelicans
Brown pelicans over the Pacific, California.
photographer, bryce canyon
Photographer, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.
redfish tail
Tailing redfish, Mosquito Lagoon, Florida.
live oak
Ancient live oak, Fontainebleu State Park, Louisiana.
spider rigged
Fishing for crappie, St. Johns River, Florida.
sunrise, bodie island
Sunrise, Bodie Island, North Carolina.
Tarpon school, Florida Keys.
shrimp boat
Shrimp boat off Cape Canaveral, Florida.
on the econ
On the Econlockhatchee River, Florida.
salt point dusk
Dusk, Salt Point State Park, California.
nantahala falls
Nantahala Falls, North Carolina.
whale tail
Humpback whales, near Whale Pass, Alaska.
M/V Thorne, near the LeConte Glacier, Alaska.
Spider web, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia.
taking off
Taking off from Frederick Sound, Alaska.
water lily
Water lily, Kezar Lake, Maine.
vero after dark
Vero Beach, Florida, from the Indian River Lagoon.
Roseate spoonbill, Florida.
zion canyon
In Virgin River Canyon, Zion National Park, Utah.
brown trout
Brown trout, Madison River, Montana.
mangrove tunnel
Mangrove tunnel, Everglades National Park, Florida.
Photography allows me to share my perceptions with others. I hope my work captures some of the beauty I see and conveys some of the awe I feel.
Writing lets me share my knowledge with others. I hope it entertains and educates.
Both allow me to express such creativity as I possess.
I take great pride in my work. I hope that you find your visit here a good use of your time.
Thank you for your interest!
John Kumiski
john kumiski outdoor communications
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Wildlife Photography
Fishing Photography