I was blessed to spend 13 summers working in Alaska at four different lodges. They paid me to do this stuff! Along the way I met some fascinating people, and of course used my cameras.
My apologies if the Images of Alaska slide show is long. You accumulate a lot of images in thirteen summers. Hopefully it is a good use of your time.

humpback whale tails
humpback whale tails
seaplane taking off, Frederick Sound
seaplane taking off, Frederick Sound
side of rainbow trout
side of rainbow trout
on Tsuktulik volcano, Goodnews River valley
on Tsuktulik volcano, Goodnews River valley
South Fork, Goodnews River
South Fork, Goodnews River
Sunrise from Goodnews River Lodge
Sunrise from Goodnews River Lodge
male sea lion on buoy, Sumner Strait
male sea lion on buoy, Sumner Strait
On LeConte Fiord
On LeConte Fiord
Freight run on Goodnews River.
Freight run on Goodnews River.
Brown bear looking for salmon.
Brown bear looking for salmon.
LeConte Glacier, shedding ice.
LeConte Glacier, shedding ice.
Willie caught a log!
Willie caught a log!
One afternoon on the Goodnews River.
One afternoon on the Goodnews River.
Any time can be nap time.
Any time can be nap time.
Christian's king salmon
Christian's king salmon
red salmon clog a stream
red salmon clog a stream
Stacey's pike
Stacey's pike
On Kulik Creek
On Kulik Creek
Arctic char
Arctic char
Stacey's red
Stacey's red
on Lake Kulik
on Lake Kulik
seaplane landing, Alagnak River
seaplane landing, Alagnak River
Alaska cottongrass
Alaska cottongrass
seaplane pilot napping
seaplane pilot napping
pink salmon clog a stream
pink salmon clog a stream
they're not all big ones...
they're not all big ones...
A brown bear sniffs the wind after sensing us.
A brown bear sniffs the wind after sensing us.
bear, bear, bear
bear, bear, bear
Beluga Mountain, Goodnews Bay
Beluga Mountain, Goodnews Bay
devil's club leaves
devil's club leaves
Chloe on Tsuktulik
Chloe on Tsuktulik
Calene's chum
Calene's chum
M/V Blashke docking
M/V Blashke docking
On the middle fork, Goodnews River
On the middle fork, Goodnews River
Stellar's jay
Stellar's jay
fishing brown bear
fishing brown bear
willow catkins
willow catkins
Allison's grayling
Allison's grayling
immature bald eagle
immature bald eagle
boating a halibut
boating a halibut
tide pool, Prince of Wales Island
tide pool, Prince of Wales Island
cane rod, rainbow trout
cane rod, rainbow trout
kayakers by an iceberg, LeConte Fiord
kayakers by an iceberg, LeConte Fiord
fogbow, Goodnews Bay
fogbow, Goodnews Bay
Chuck's king
Chuck's king
at LeConte Fiord
at LeConte Fiord
Tyler on Tsuktulik
Tyler on Tsuktulik
sunrise from Goodnews River Lodge
sunrise from Goodnews River Lodge
grayling release, Kulik Creek
grayling release, Kulik Creek
red fox, Katmai Lodge
red fox, Katmai Lodge
kelp, Prince of Wales Island
kelp, Prince of Wales Island
in the LeConte Fiord
in the LeConte Fiord
At the fuel dock, Petersburg
At the fuel dock, Petersburg
the late Rick Ross
the late Rick Ross
moldy chum salmon
moldy chum salmon
crossing tundra
crossing tundra
Jess's silver
Jess's silver
one afternoon at the Swallows
one afternoon at the Swallows
Lake Beverley dawn
Lake Beverley dawn
Kevin stringing it up, Goodnews River
Kevin stringing it up, Goodnews River
dungeness crab
dungeness crab
Rodney's rainbow
Rodney's rainbow
suburban whale
suburban whale
in the tundra
in the tundra
halibut, near Prince of Wales Island
halibut, near Prince of Wales Island
orca, near Prince of Wales Island
orca, near Prince of Wales Island
M/V Thorne near LeConte Glacier
M/V Thorne near LeConte Glacier
Arctic tern
Arctic tern
harbor seals, LeConte Fiord
harbor seals, LeConte Fiord
Alex, hooked up, Goodnews River
Alex, hooked up, Goodnews River
DC-3 coming in for landing, Goodnews Bay
DC-3 coming in for landing, Goodnews Bay
Hooked up at the Swallows, Goodnews River
Hooked up at the Swallows, Goodnews River
Goodnews River from the air
Goodnews River from the air
on the south fork, Goodnews River
on the south fork, Goodnews River
on Prince of Wales Island
on Prince of Wales Island
brown bear with salmon, Brooks Falls
brown bear with salmon, Brooks Falls