Here’s a slide show of photos made in New England, where Susan and I both grew up.

Charles W. Morgan, Mystic Seaport
Rigging on the Charles W. Morgan, Mystic Seaport
ripening pokeberries
ripening pokeberries
enjoying the wilderness trail, WMNF
enjoying the wilderness trail, WMNF
St. John River, ME
on the St. John River, ME
old as adam, portsmouth, nh
old as adam, portsmouth, nh
crawford's station
crawford's station, crawford notch
autumnal striped maple leaves
autumnal striped maple leaves
Susan on mountain
Susan on mountain
waterfall, White Mountain National Forest
waterfall, White Mountain National Forest
ME HWY 26, near Grafton Notch
pie stand, Rt. 26, near Grafton Notch
pie stand, Rt. 26, near Grafton Notch
Milky Way over Farrington Pond
Milky Way over Farrington Pond
Susan and Maryann being silly.
late afternoon Kezar Lake
late afternoon Kezar Lake
storm over Moose Lake
storm over Moose Lake
Maine's most famous sign
Maine's most famous sign
Albany covered bridge, Conway
Albany covered bridge, Conway
small cascade, Swift River, NH
small cascade, Swift River, NH
at Walden Pond
at Walden Pond
Gillette Mansion
Gillette Mansion, CT
two wrasslin'cats
two wrasslin' cats, CT
Snow Farm Winery
Snow Farm Winery, South Hero, VT
Blues for Breakfast
Blues for Breakfast at the Snow Farm Winery
A roadside stand in Vermont.
A roadside stand in Vermont.
Eastern Cottonwood
Eastern Cottonwood
state house, Montpelier
state house, Montpelier
bassin' with Susan
Wild morning-glory
Wild morning-glory, Deer Island
surfcaster, Winthrop Beach
flying away
flying away, from Logan IA
independence day
independence Day celebration, Winthrop
old customs house
old customs house
Boston skyscrapers
sunset, Kezar Lake
sunset, Kezar Lake, ME
women on Mt. Washington
Maryann and Susan on Mt. Washington
lakes of the clouds
The AT by Lakes of the Clouds
on Mt. Washington
Dancing on Mt. Washington
mt. washington cog railway
mt. washington cog railway
atop an esker, Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
atop an esker, Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
silver cascade, white mountains
silver cascade, white mountains
lovely old home, Lovell, ME
lovely old home, Lovell, ME
photographing dusk, Kezar Lake
photographing dusk, Kezar Lake
incoming storm, Kezar Lake
incoming storm, Kezar Lake
Mt. Monadnock summit
Mt. Monadnock summit
cottongrass on Mt. Monadnock
cottongrass on Mt. Monadnock
Sasquatch in Maine Woods
Sasquatch in Maine Woods
colorful umbrellas
colorful umbrellas, Norway, ME
sunset over Winthrop
sunset over Winthrop