Susan and I took another road trip in 2024, not as long or as ambitious as the 2021 trip. We left Florida on July 1, needing to make San Leandro by the 14th, so the interstate highways were in play.
We spent time with Maxx and Catalina and some of their friends, and Allison for a very warm week, and then visited northern California, the Oregon coast, Washington, Idaho (where Maxx and Cat met us), and Montana (where Alex met us, and then everyone left me alone). I drove home from Montana by myself, and quite enjoyed it, getting home in early October.
For best viewing, brighten your screen all the way.
Road trips rock!!!

Our tour starts at Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky.
Susan is at an old homestead, where both got chiggers. Pretty cool, though...
There were many displays like this.
The Platte River flows through Buffalo Bill State Park in Nebraska. Some locals enjoy the day.
We spent a little time in Wyoming.
medicine bend mountains, wyoming
medicine bend mountains, wyoming
Next stop- Dinosaur!
This stegosaurus greeted us at the monument visitor station.
dinosaur skeleton- incredible!
dinosaur skeleton- incredible!
We were able to touch some 150 million year-old fossils.
We took a hike through the fossil area and found some in the rocks.
We also found petroglyphs.
NOT a dinosaur!
We met son Maxx and friends at Armstrong Redwood Preserve.
Susan gives a tree a hug.
Our route took us along California Highway 1... Salt Point State Park.
California poppies
California poppies
pelicans in flight
Susan climbs a rocky hill.
Dali could have sculpted these.
Sunset at Salt Point
milky way over salt point
Susan and Redwood
Maxx taking picture of redwoods, Del Norte State Redwood Park.
unfolding fern fiddlehead
unfolding fern fiddlehead
redwood burl
redwood burl
dwarfed by redwoods
banana slug
banana slug
massive redwood
This is what they were pointing at in the last frame.
beach at oregon dunes
view of Oregon Coast- nothing like it!
different view of Oregon Coast
yet another view of Oregon Coast- there's an infinite variety
gulls enjoying the beach
Susan enjoying the beach!
Cape Blanco Light
kayaker on the Pacific
A thrilling ride through a narrow canyon brought us here.
Lake Owyhee at dusk
Then we had to get out again.
We visited the oregon trail interpretive center.
We found ourselves at Mt. St. Helens. It hid in the clouds the whole time.
Cell service was bad.
We headed to Mt. Rainier.
Glacial stream coming down a glacial valley
There were many spectacular waterfalls.
We finally made it!
and God was with us
Mt. Rainier
Can you see the bee?
Back on the coast at Westport...
...a fishing town.
wild bubbles during the art fair
Wesport had lovely dunes,...
...a real dollar tree (stump),...
...and awesome sunsets.
We kept moving.
It rains here. A lot.
Lots of cool waterfalls.
This is the only time we saw the sun during our stay. The rain drove us out.
Having fun!
banana slug, brown variety
sea anemones in a tide pool
sea stars, same place
getting out before the tide comes in
lots of cool waterfalls!
hiker in clouds
You can find superb art made by the Indians.
Desolation Pass bridge
We made it to Idaho, Maxx and Catalina met us here.
There was lots of smoke.
Ropy lava- there were miles of it.
boardwalk through lava field
The bat caves were lava tubes. The roof partially collapsed in this one.
Maxx and Cat in tube.
We visited the EBR-1.
The plant powered this town.
We saw Old Faithful...
...and many other thermal features.
boardwalk, Grand Prismatic Pool
They asked me to take their picture!
It was all well past amazing.
Susan and John
a raven
falls of the Yellowstone
Catalina and Maxx
Susan, Maxx, Catalina, Grand Tetons
We took a lovely hike.
Susan's maiden name is "Surprise".
Roosevelt Gate
Next, we all went to Montana. Susan flew to Boston. Alex flew in from Alaska. We hired guides and went fishing.
Alex and Justin, on the Madison River.
Catalina, Kelly, and Maxx.
first fish of the day
biggest fish of the day, a rainbow trout
biggest brown trout of the day, a beautiful fish.
A chilly but awesome day on the Madison!
Maxx on the Gallatin
Alex, brown trout, Gallatin River.
Alex on Ruby Creek.
bighorn sheep, also at Ruby Creek
Stillwater River
in Makoshika State Park, MT
in Makoshika State Park, MT
in Makoshika State Park
mule deer buck in Makoshika State Park
Everyone went home, so I headed home, too. I stopped at Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
There were lots of bison there.
I passed this on US 2 and had to stop.
Thanks for watching the slide show!!!