These are candid photos and informal portraits of family, friends, strangers, and colleagues, taken through the years. A big thank you to all my subjects!

at leconte glacier
brazilian girls
brazilian girls
Susan and Eva
Susan and Eva
Susan and Maxx
Susan and Maxx
Brazilian woman at home
Brazilian woman at home
Catalina and Maxx
Catalina and Maxx
Baby Maxx
Baby Maxx
Rodney and friend eating
Rodney and friend eating
Maxx and Catalina
Maxx and Catalina
John and Susan
John and Susan
John and Susan
John and Susan
Mike C.
Mike C.
Maxx and Susan
Maxx and Susan
modern man
modern man
brazilian children
Brazilian children
Mike and Faith
Mike and Faith
the Cooks
the Cooks
young couple in England
young couple in England
Mountain Susan
Mountain Susan
Lassen Susan
Lassen Susan
Cindy and Ken
Cindy and Ken
Sawdust Mike
Sawdust Mike
Mike in Bodie Island Light
Mike in Bodie Island Light
River and Mike flying with Orville
River and Mike flying with Orville
Susan photographing sunset, Kezar Lake, Maine
Susan photographing sunset, Kezar Lake, Maine
Susan on mountaintop, White Mountains, NH
Susan on mountaintop, White Mountains, NH
Bob canoeing, Juniper Springs Run, FL
Bob canoeing, Juniper Springs Run, FL
John using plunge router
John using plunge router
Trip and Brian
Trip and Brian
Trip and Maxx
Trip and Maxx
Blues for Breakfast
Blues for Breakfast
Cat up a tree
Cat up a tree
Catalina and Maxx
Catalina and Maxx
River and Mike on cannon
River and Mike
Bill's decoy
Bill's decoy
Bill and Heather
Bill and Heather
Susan and Maryann
Susan and Maryann
family at beach, Lake Erie
family at beach, Lake Erie
Susan, Allegany State Park, NY
Susan, Allegany State Park, NY
Rodney with cypress, Tosahatchee WMA
Rodney with cypress, Tosahatchee WMA, FL
Mike on trees, Ten Thousand Islands NWR, FL
Mike on trees, Ten Thousand Islands NWR, FL
Japanese tourists, Yellowstone NP
Japanese tourists, Yellowstone NP
Catalina and Maxx, in lava tube, Craters of the Moon NM
Catalina and Maxx, in lava tube, Craters of the Moon NM
Susan, Maxx, Catalina in lave tube
Susan, Maxx, Catalina in lava tube, Craters of the Moon NM, ID
boy bicycling at surf's edge, Olympic National Park
boy bicycling at surf's edge, Olympic National Park
Susan dances on a beach in Oregon.
Susan dances on a beach in Oregon.
Susan and Maxx, Del Norte Redwood State Park
Susan and Maxx, Del Norte Redwood State Park
Maxx and Redwoods, Del Norte Redwood State Park
Maxx and Redwoods, Del Norte Redwood State Park
I'm Jimmy. Don't mess with me.
I'm Jimmy. Don't mess with me.
Low bridge on Shingle Creek, FL.
Low bridge on Shingle Creek, FL.
wildlife photographers at work, Orlando Wetlands Park
wildlife photographers at work, Orlando Wetlands Park
John in minivan camper build
John in minivan camper build- a selfie
photographer on beach at sunrise, Okracoke Island, NC
photographer on beach at sunrise, Okracoke Island, NC
Rick Ross
Rick Ross
The G-Man
The G-Man